Thursday 8 April 2010


I like the taste of a good burrito, but there isn't always time to whip one up for dinner on a busy day. I've tried the commercial burritos and they leave much to be desired; especially in the texture department...they always taste like they are filled with mushy "meat". Today's post is a time saver. I make a batch of these and double wrap them in foil before freezing them in a heavy duty freezer bag. Wrapped in foil, they can go right on the barbecue (for that unexpected pop-in guest) or for the person (me) who doesn't like barbecued red meat. They are great for camping too, because you just throw them in the cooler (frozen) and you are good to go. You can also take the foil off and microwave them on half power for 2 minutes and they are excellent. A great thing to have in the freezer for the summer when it's too hot to cook...doesn't seem like it now, but the season is coming!!
2 pounds of lean ground beef
½ cup chopped onion
½ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 clove garlic minced (opt.)
¼ tsp. red chili flakes (optional heat)
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon dry oregano
½ cup water
4 oz. can fire roasted green chile's
1 15 oz. can refried beans
grated sharp cheddar
tortillas (large burrito size)

Brown the ground beef & onion and drain it well (return it to the pan). Add the spices and water, stir and simmer until the water has evaporated and mixture is a little on the dry side. Take off the heat and stir in the chile's and refried beans.

Place one eighth of the mixture onto a burrito size tortilla; top with a large handful of grated sharp cheddar cheese. Roll up the burrito, tucking in the sides as you roll.

Lightly brush the top and bottom of the burrito with vegetable oil and grill like you would a sandwich (to get some color on it - not to heat it up). Cool completely and double wrap in foil and freeze.

If you are planning a cook out, these are great to put on the barbecue after the burgers are done and the charcoal is calming down. Great for those "late" guests or the ever hungry teenager scavenging for a second helping.

This recipe makes eight large burritos.


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